Movie: Up in the Air
Directed By: Jason Reitman
Synopsis: Ryan Bingham (George Clooney), a corporate downsizer and consummate modern business traveler who, after years of staying happily airborne, suddenly finds himself ready to make a real connection. Ryan has long been contented with his unencumbered lifestyle lived out across America in airports, hotels and rental cars. He can carry all he needs in one wheel-away case; he's a pampered, elite member of every travel loyalty program in existence; and he's close to attaining his lifetime goal of 10 million frequent flier miles-- and yet...Ryan has nothing real to hold onto. When he falls for a simpatico fellow traveler (Vera Farmiga), Ryan's boss (Jason Bateman), inspired by a young, upstart efficiency expert (Anna Kendrick), threatens to permanently call him in from the road. Faced with the prospect, at once terrifying and exhilarating, of being grounded, Ryan begins to contemplate what it might actually mean to have a home.
Review: Normally I'm not a big fan of critically praised movies (usually they are depressing, full of dysfunctional people or boring), but in this case I can see why it was nominated for Best Picture. I know I know, George Clooney - while I am not immune to his charms, I thought he did a fantastic job as a person bound by his well-ordered life that is abruptly shaken up by change in his company's operating policy. Overall there was terrific character development - they were all believable and I became emotionally involved in what happened to each of them. The most important aspect of the story was that each character developed and did not remain stagnant and there was a strong element of redemption for the main and supporting characters. I find that crucial in a story - it's often the reason I don't like many critically acclaimed movies because there is a lack of redemption. Rating: 4/5
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