08 September 2010
Funny Show
Carl and I just watched the most hilarious show today (based on a recommendation from a friend - thanks Alison!). It's called The IT Crowd - the basic premise is that a lady gets hired to manage an IT department of a British company even though she has no clue about how to do it or much about computers at all. The 2 guys that work in the department are total social misfits (of course). There are only 5 episodes per season (typical British series amount). The first episode was a little shaky, but it just got laugh out loud funny as it went along. I looked it up on imdb.com and apparently they tried to do an American version with Joel McHale (from the also hilarious Community), but it never got picked up. Usually British series don't translate as well to an American series.
21 March 2010
Music & Dance ~ Serena Ryder
(I wanted to embed a YouTube video, but it's disallowed)
I was really impressed with how well she performed live. In this age of manufactured pop artists that look good, but can't sing in tune to save their lives (unless they are lip-syncing), it was truly refreshing to hear someone who could sing in tune. Not only did she hit all the right notes, she had personality, wit, energy and performed with unique phrasing, subtle quietness and was able to belt it out when the song needed it. She sang a great version of the 70s song that I can't think of right now (I'll ask my friend Michelle who was singing away with me).
Too many artists (especially female ones) over sing and over run songs with endless melisma which gets awfully tiresome - sometimes you just wanna yell "Just sing the song, don't wring it's neck and kill it!"My friends and I were all awed by her abilities. I have her first CD and after last night, I think I'll pick up her latest one too, it's worth it. Plus it helps that she's Canadian (even if she is from Ontario - I won't hold it against her) so I gotta support a good Canadian chick!
Too many artists (especially female ones) over sing and over run songs with endless melisma which gets awfully tiresome - sometimes you just wanna yell "Just sing the song, don't wring it's neck and kill it!"My friends and I were all awed by her abilities. I have her first CD and after last night, I think I'll pick up her latest one too, it's worth it. Plus it helps that she's Canadian (even if she is from Ontario - I won't hold it against her) so I gotta support a good Canadian chick!
Music & Dance ~ Miyanda Girls
I went to see my friend's daughter perform on Saturday afternoon (she's the girl in the middle of the front row). Their group is fundraising to go on a trip to Scotland to perform.
19 March 2010
Movie Review ~ Up in the Air
Movie: Up in the Air
Directed By: Jason Reitman
Synopsis: Ryan Bingham (George Clooney), a corporate downsizer and consummate modern business traveler who, after years of staying happily airborne, suddenly finds himself ready to make a real connection. Ryan has long been contented with his unencumbered lifestyle lived out across America in airports, hotels and rental cars. He can carry all he needs in one wheel-away case; he's a pampered, elite member of every travel loyalty program in existence; and he's close to attaining his lifetime goal of 10 million frequent flier miles-- and yet...Ryan has nothing real to hold onto. When he falls for a simpatico fellow traveler (Vera Farmiga), Ryan's boss (Jason Bateman), inspired by a young, upstart efficiency expert (Anna Kendrick), threatens to permanently call him in from the road. Faced with the prospect, at once terrifying and exhilarating, of being grounded, Ryan begins to contemplate what it might actually mean to have a home.
Review: Normally I'm not a big fan of critically praised movies (usually they are depressing, full of dysfunctional people or boring), but in this case I can see why it was nominated for Best Picture. I know I know, George Clooney - while I am not immune to his charms, I thought he did a fantastic job as a person bound by his well-ordered life that is abruptly shaken up by change in his company's operating policy. Overall there was terrific character development - they were all believable and I became emotionally involved in what happened to each of them. The most important aspect of the story was that each character developed and did not remain stagnant and there was a strong element of redemption for the main and supporting characters. I find that crucial in a story - it's often the reason I don't like many critically acclaimed movies because there is a lack of redemption. Rating: 4/5
Movie Review ~ Avatar
Starring: Sam Worthington, Sigourney Weaver, Giovanni Ribisi, Michelle Rodriguez, Stephen Lang and the voice of Zoe Saldana.
Synopsis: AVATAR is the story of an ex-Marine who finds himself thrust into hostilities on an alien planet filled with exotic life forms. As an Avatar, a human mind in an alien body, he finds himself torn between two worlds, in a desperate fight for his own survival and that of the indigenous people.
Review: It took so long for me to get to finally see this movie, that I was starting to worry that it wouldn't live up to the hype (much the same as Titanic). Well my fears were totally unfounded. What can I say... I was blown away. The story, characters and most of all the world of Pandora drew you in right from the beginning. I know many people felt the movie plot/story didn't live up to the movie's special effects, but I disagree it's the story and characters that helps you become invested in what happens. I was mesmerized by the world James Cameron created and after it was over, I remember going outside and remarking that everything seemed so plain compared to the world I just spent almost 3 hours in.I can see how we could end up living in a world where people escape their lives through virtual living (much like the movie Surrogates). Rating: 4.5/5
2010 Winter Olympics ~ Wrap-Up
Ok, it's a little sad that it's taken more than a month to write. I did get caught up a little in Olympic fever more so than I ever have in the past. In previous Olympics (usually only the winter ones), I'll watch some of the hockey and that's about it. It sure made a difference having it here. I guess there is something about being able to recognize the places where the events are taking place (even if I can't actually afford to go to any of the events). I was able to go downtown and watch some of the games with other people which made it so much more exciting!!!
I also know it's shouldn't be all about the medal count, but it's hard not to use that as a measuring stick when it's on the main page of the website and it's what most people are talking about. In reality, the Olympics are all about competition among other things. To see who is the best (at that particular moment or fraction of a second) and to have bragging rights both as an individual and a nation. For once, even though we didn't "own the podium" as was the motto of this Olympic Winter Games for Canada, we did set a couple of Olympic records - highest medal count for a host country and most Gold Medals won in the Winter Olympics. It's pretty phenomenal that we are now a part of history and that countries from around the world will try to break records that we Canadians set.
The best part of these Olympics was being able to share it with other Canadians and people from around the world. When else is this going to happen in my lifetime where I live? Probably never again, so these are memories to cherish forever and that's pretty cool.
This weekend will mark the end of the Paralympic Games portion of the 2010 Winter Olympics and put this all in the history books. I hope people can look back on this time as a bright spot in our history and hopefully we won't have to pay for this for the next 50 years.
14 February 2010
2010 Winter Olympics ~ Canada Wins Gold!
We finally did it! Alexandre Bilodeau won a Gold Medal at home in Men's Moguls. What an amazing feat. We also had 2 other skiers place close to the medals at 4th and 5th.
Way to go Canada!!!!!
12 February 2010
2010 Winter Olympics ~ Opening Ceremony
It's finally here. I can hardly belive it. It seems like we have been preparing for this for so long and I must admit I haven't really felt excited until this week. I've always felt that the Olympics would be a good thing for Vancouver (although it's costing taxpapers a tremendous amount). Today at the school where I was teaching, we made up an Olympic board and all the students were excitedly talking about which events they would be attending and watching. This is such a historic event for those of us that live in the Greater Vancouver Area / Lower Mainland / Fraser Valley.
In a historic moment, the First Nations of BC have opened the games in a ceremonial welcome. As an estimated global audience of more than a billion watched, members of the Lil’wat, Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh ― the Four Host First Nations ― welcomed the world to the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games through speakers Levi Nelson, Lil’wat, Quelemia Sparrow, Musqueam, Shamantsut, Squamish, and Dennis Thomas, Tsleil-Waututh.
Unfortunately there was a tragic event earlier today. An athlete from the country of Georgia lost one of their luge team members while on a practice run in Whistler. News link here. The Georgia team bravely participated in the opening ceremony only hours after the fatal accident. The Georgian olympic team (with black scarves and a black armband) received a standing ovation from the crowd of over 60,000 in BC Place and later there was a moment of silence while the Canadian and Olympic flags flew at half mast. It was very moving.
Here comes Canada (at 7:13 pm) led by Olympic medalist (in both the summer and winter olympics) Clara Hughes. I can't help it, I'm getting all choked up to see the whole crowd cheering here, in Afganistan, Whistler and around Vancouver. What a moment!
Now that all the countries have been welcomed and introduced, Bryan Adams and Nelly Furtado are singing "Bang Your Drum" the athletes song while First Nations people from across Canada dance.
Next is an magical awe inspiring winter scene that transforms into spring, summer and fall throughout our beautiful nation amidst dazzling colors, phenominal dances, with narrated poems by Donald Sutherland and musical performances by many Canadian performers from across the country.
After a stirring speach by John Furlong, CEO of the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (VANOC), her Excellency the Right Honourable Michäelle Jean, Governor General of Canada officially declared the XXI Olympic Winter Games open.
The big mystery of who would complete the final leg of the torch relay was revealed...
Rick Hansen, Canada’s Man in Motion, passed off the flame to Catriona LeMay Doan (multiple Olympic gold medallist in speed skating) who, along with Steve Nash (Olympian and National Basketball Association MVP), Nancy Greene Raine(Olympic gold medallist in alpine skiing) and Wayne Gretzky (one of the most honoured hockey players of all time) lit a contemporary cauldron that emerged from the field of play.
To ensure the Olympic Flame burns for the full 17 days of the Games, an external cauldron was ignited by Gretzky who carried the flame from BC Place to the Vancouver waterfront. Framed by the mountains and the waters of Burrard Inlet, the cauldron will serve as a lasting legacy of the 2010 Winter Games and late VANOC chairman Jack Poole.
There are those that said we could never compete with the opening ceremony in Bejing. Who says we need to. As the Slam Poet Shane Koyczan of the Northwest Territories stated, "We are the truth north strong and free and what's more is that we didn't just say it, we made it be." We have our own unique identity, culture, heart and vision that was shown in wonderous abundance to over 1 billion people around the world. I am proud to be Canadian and our opening ceremony "Kicked Canadian Ass"!
For a complete recap of the opening ceremony visit the Vancouver 2010 Olympic site here.
Here comes Canada (at 7:13 pm) led by Olympic medalist (in both the summer and winter olympics) Clara Hughes. I can't help it, I'm getting all choked up to see the whole crowd cheering here, in Afganistan, Whistler and around Vancouver. What a moment!
Now that all the countries have been welcomed and introduced, Bryan Adams and Nelly Furtado are singing "Bang Your Drum" the athletes song while First Nations people from across Canada dance.
Next is an magical awe inspiring winter scene that transforms into spring, summer and fall throughout our beautiful nation amidst dazzling colors, phenominal dances, with narrated poems by Donald Sutherland and musical performances by many Canadian performers from across the country.
After a stirring speach by John Furlong, CEO of the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (VANOC), her Excellency the Right Honourable Michäelle Jean, Governor General of Canada officially declared the XXI Olympic Winter Games open.
The big mystery of who would complete the final leg of the torch relay was revealed...
Rick Hansen, Canada’s Man in Motion, passed off the flame to Catriona LeMay Doan (multiple Olympic gold medallist in speed skating) who, along with Steve Nash (Olympian and National Basketball Association MVP), Nancy Greene Raine(Olympic gold medallist in alpine skiing) and Wayne Gretzky (one of the most honoured hockey players of all time) lit a contemporary cauldron that emerged from the field of play.
To ensure the Olympic Flame burns for the full 17 days of the Games, an external cauldron was ignited by Gretzky who carried the flame from BC Place to the Vancouver waterfront. Framed by the mountains and the waters of Burrard Inlet, the cauldron will serve as a lasting legacy of the 2010 Winter Games and late VANOC chairman Jack Poole.
There are those that said we could never compete with the opening ceremony in Bejing. Who says we need to. As the Slam Poet Shane Koyczan of the Northwest Territories stated, "We are the truth north strong and free and what's more is that we didn't just say it, we made it be." We have our own unique identity, culture, heart and vision that was shown in wonderous abundance to over 1 billion people around the world. I am proud to be Canadian and our opening ceremony "Kicked Canadian Ass"!
For a complete recap of the opening ceremony visit the Vancouver 2010 Olympic site here.
08 February 2010
Caught Between Two Worlds
Do you ever feel like you are living in an alternate reality or wish you did? Today has been that kind of day. I have been at a school that I dearly love the last couple of days after being away for a month and a half (I was on Christmas break and teaching high school for a few weeks). I have made great connections with other teachers and the students in all grades and many people were happy to have me back. I have to say it was a wonderful feeling, but it's a feeling that has a twinge of sadness to it. I feel like I am a welcome guest, but still on the outside looking in because it isn't really MY school and I don't have MY OWN classroom there.
This is where the two worlds part comes in (in case you were wondering)...
On one hand it is nice to have the freedom to come and go as I please without the responsibilities of having a classroom. On the other hand I am itching to plant some roots and make a real everyday impact in a class in a school. My head and heart are overflowing with ideas that seem stuck until they can be planted somewhere - somewhere where I belong. If I could live in an alternate reality, I could have it both ways. Does that sound too melancholy? Too full of self-pity or self-serving? Sorry, it's been that kind of day - a little bittersweet.
On a completely different note, but still related to my post title...
I have watched three shows this week that have dealt with some kind of alternate reality:
1. Lost - read recap here or if you are really brave here - two worlds happening simultaneously ~ life on the island with where they left off at the end of last season (sort of) and life if the plane never crashed.
2. Fringe - read recap here - There are two different realities that have collided and it has literally split people apart or joined them in horrific painful ways – very crazy.
3. Caprica (the prequel series of Battlestar Galactica (that I keep meaning to watch – I have it downloaded, just need to make time to watch it) on SyFy - read recap here - There are avatars that live in a virtual reality that is both connected and disconnected to reality.
It’s funny that there has been this recurring theme in my life and in the TV shows I have been watching. I guess life really does imitate art (in a non-science fiction kind of way for me at least).
Ok ramblings over, just a couple of questions...
Does what I’m writing make any sense and is this how most TOCs feel?
PS - Can you figure out the connections between the three series (they are linked in a 6 degrees of separation kind of way)?
This is where the two worlds part comes in (in case you were wondering)...
On one hand it is nice to have the freedom to come and go as I please without the responsibilities of having a classroom. On the other hand I am itching to plant some roots and make a real everyday impact in a class in a school. My head and heart are overflowing with ideas that seem stuck until they can be planted somewhere - somewhere where I belong. If I could live in an alternate reality, I could have it both ways. Does that sound too melancholy? Too full of self-pity or self-serving? Sorry, it's been that kind of day - a little bittersweet.
On a completely different note, but still related to my post title...
I have watched three shows this week that have dealt with some kind of alternate reality:
1. Lost - read recap here or if you are really brave here - two worlds happening simultaneously ~ life on the island with where they left off at the end of last season (sort of) and life if the plane never crashed.
2. Fringe - read recap here - There are two different realities that have collided and it has literally split people apart or joined them in horrific painful ways – very crazy.
3. Caprica (the prequel series of Battlestar Galactica (that I keep meaning to watch – I have it downloaded, just need to make time to watch it) on SyFy - read recap here - There are avatars that live in a virtual reality that is both connected and disconnected to reality.
It’s funny that there has been this recurring theme in my life and in the TV shows I have been watching. I guess life really does imitate art (in a non-science fiction kind of way for me at least).
Ok ramblings over, just a couple of questions...
Does what I’m writing make any sense and is this how most TOCs feel?
PS - Can you figure out the connections between the three series (they are linked in a 6 degrees of separation kind of way)?
07 February 2010
Watched This Week ~ Jan 31st to Feb 6th
Summary: When a self-help author arrives in Seattle to teach a sold-out seminar, he unexpectedly meets the one person who might finally be able to help him help himself. But will two people who have met the right person at exactly the wrong time be able to give love another chance? They’ll find that sometimes when you least expect it…love happens.
Review: I didn't really expect much from this film. It was typical Jennifer Aniston, but I did think that Aaron Eckhart has some genuine moments that got me a little choked up. This is another film that raises some thought provoking questions - how many of us try to put on the brave front and never really deal with our issues/grief/depression? In this self-help society we live in, what are we just masking rather than dealing with? Rating: 3/5
Summary: These films take place during the 1940s rather than the time-frame of the original stories by Sir Conan Arthur Doyle. Though the first two films were set in the detective's "true" Victorian period, Holmes was then "updated" and recruited to fight the Nazis. He came to represent the acceptable face of England for the Americans--the one man who could be relied upon to ensure an Allied victory. Enthusiasm for a Nazi-fighting Holmes soon waned, and the series moved first into ghost-and-ghouls chillers, and finally into visceral horror films in which Professor Moriarty, Holmes' old enemy, had been replaced by a new breed of villain--a deadly female.
Review: This is another series of movies I watched growing up (no I'm not that old, but my dad was 50 when I was born so these were movies from his era that we watched). I know the movies are now quite dated and some of the acting is quite melodramatic, but they are still immensely entertaining. In my mind, Basil Rathbone (who also plays a great villain - see Captain Blood and Robin Hood) is the best Sherlock Holmes that I've seen. I also found Nigel Bruce's performance as Watson rather delightful - perhaps not how his character was meant to be taken, but he provided a warm contrast to the stern performance of Basil Rathbone as Holmes.
I have seen the new movie directed by Guy Ritchie with Robert Downey Jr. as Holmes and Jude Law as Watson. What I found missing was the great atmosphere that the early films had. Although the Victorian time period was true to the original novels, the film style was too choppy and wham bam action filled compared to the more film noir setting of the 1940s Sherlock Holmes. This newer version has more of a steampunk feel to it which is perhaps what Ritchie felt he could use to modernize the character while still maintaining the original time period.
Summary: Young Anna Fitzgerald has coped all her life with her older sister's rare cancer, and has served as a donor for her for as long as she can remember. She has missed many opportunities in order to be there for her sister, but has never resented it. When she finds out that the entire reason she was conceived was to keep her sister alive, however, the way she looks at the world is changed forever. She goes to court in the hopes of freeing herself once and for all and earning the chance to live her own life.
Review: This movie is based on the bestselling novel by Jodi Picoult and as expected it was a bit of a tearjerker. I was really impressed with Sofia Vassilieva's performance (I watch her on Medium every week). I also really thought the premise was really topical and that other families can relate to the story. I haven't read the book, but it sounds like "Hollywood" changed the ending. Here are some of the questions that the book brings up: My Sister's Keeper examines what it means to be a good parent, a good sister, a good person. Is it morally correct to do whatever it takes to save a child's life… even if that means infringing upon the rights of another? Is it worth trying to discover who you really are, if that quest makes you like yourself less? This makes for a really great discussion and I think Alec Baldwin did an admirable job, but it sounds like his part could have been a lot more. Now that I know the book is different, I'll have to put it on my reading list. Rating: 3/5
The Blue Bird (1940) ~ starring Shirley Temple
Summary: Mytyl and her brother Tyltyl seek the Bluebird of Happiness in the past, the future and in the Land of Luxury - only to find it in their very own backyard.
Review: I watched all the Shirley Temple movies when I was a child. I adored them all and bought most of them as an adult. I had this one too, but I think I leant it out and never got it back which is really sad because it was my favourite. I decided to download it this weekend to watch it again and it's still a great movie to this day. I even got a little choked up a few times. This may be a movie from 1940, but the subject still resonates today.
Summary: After one short but sweet blind date, eccentric crossword puzzle constructor Mary Horowitz falls for handsome cable news cameraman Steve. Convinced they are soul mates, Mary follows Steve across the country, encouraged by the self-serving actions of news reporter Hartman Hughes. Along the way, Mary befriends an endearing group of oddballs who embrace her idiosyncrasies - forcing her to rethink her entire journey.
Review: This movie was a little harmless fun, but it's definitely not Sandra Bullock's best movie (see The Blind Side). What I did like about it was the overall message - it's ok to be who you are, no matter how weird or quirky you may be. One of the students I taught for 3 weeks has this amazing confidence in herself even though she is not like most of the other kids in her high school. I encouraged her to keep celebrating who she is and not to lose that wonderful quality. Rating: 3/5
Summary: This is another literary adaptation based on the bestselling novel by Audrey Niffenegger. Clare has been in love with Henry her entire life. She believes they are destined to be together, even though she never knows when they will be separated: Henry is a time traveler -- cursed with a rare genetic anomaly that causes him to live his life on a shifting timeline, skipping back and forth through his lifespan with no control. Despite the fact that Henry’s travels force them apart with no warning, Clare desperately tries to build a life with her one true love.
Review: I wanted to like this movie more than I did. It was heartwarming for sure, but in a calculated sort of way, not because I genuinely cared about what happened to the characters. I think that's one of the big drawbacks of a novel being adapted for a movie - it ends up missing too much of the heart of the story and you never get a full sense of the characters because they are in such a rush to get on with the story in 2 hours or less. I haven't read the book, so maybe it is lacking too, but from everything I've heard, it's a fantastic book. Perhaps I'll add that to my list of books to read too (that list is way too long). Rating: 3/5
Tuesday Feb. 2nd ~ Montreal Canadians (3) vs Vancouver Canucks (2)
Thursday Feb. 4th ~ Ottawa Senators (3) vs Vancouver Canucks (1)
Saturday Feb. 6th ~ Boston Bruins (2) vs Vancouver Canucks (3)
TV Shows:
>> Brothers & Sisters (S04E14) ~ Robert and Nora get to work as guest chefs in Scotty's struggling restaurant to boost business, Kitty puts her idea to run for Robert's senate seat up for a Walker family vote, and Sarah reaches a point of frustration with Roy but is quickly rewarded for speaking up.
>> Chuck (S03E06) ~ Chuck trains a new Nerd Herder and a new asset who has infiltrated The Ring. Devon must cover for Chuck when Ellie gets suspicious of his work.
>> How I Met Your Mother (S05E14) ~ When Barney is about to complete the perfect week - landing seven different girls in seven days - the gang roots him on in order to forget about their own miserable week.
>> Big Bang Theory (S03E14) ~ Sheldon acts even more strangely when he is stumped by a difficult physics question, so he is forced to resort to Einstein-inspired measures to unclutter his mind and solve the problem.
>> Life Unexpected (S01E03) ~ When Baze tells his parents about Lux (Britt Robertson), they insist on planning a dinner at which they can meet their granddaughter and Cate. Cate reluctantly agrees to go to the dinner and is further annoyed when her overbearing mother and neurotic sister show up unexpectedly. Meanwhile, when Cate hears about a gang fight at Lux's school, she immediately decides to have Lux transferred to her and Baze's alma mater, Westmonte.
>> American Idol (S09E7&8) ~ Not much to say. At least next week is Hollywood week which means we'll see/hear a little more from the people that have a chance of moving on to the Top 24.
>> Human Target (S01E04) ~ Chance needs a miracle to help protect a reformed thief from his vengeful former accomplices as they race to recover priceless religious artifacts hidden in a remote Canadian monastery.
>> Lost (S06E1&2) ~ Season opener. This is the last season and it promises to be full or twists, turns and revelations. It looks like they are doing "flash sideways" instead of flashbacks or flash forwards.
Episode 1: Flight 815 is shown successfully landing in Los Angeles with no crash on the island, but the survivors are simultaneously shown still on the island after Juliet detonates the bomb.
Episode 2: The original survivors encounter difficulties as they arrive in Los Angeles, while on the island they are captured as they bring Sayid to the temple. Meanwhile, the "New Locke" prepares to meet with Alpert after Ben kills Jacob for him.
>> Modern Family (S01E14) ~ Claire feels like a loser when she catches up with an old friend from work, Jay and Cameron have an unpleasant "encounter" in a locker room, and Mitchell tries to give legal advice to Gloria after she has a wreck.
>> Cougar Town (S01E14) ~ A hot tennis instructor gets between Ellie and Jules, Laurie turns to Travis to be her conscience, and Andy and Grayson try to comfort Bobby who is nursing a fresh heartbreak over his ex-wife.
>> Criminal Minds (S05E14) ~ The BAU follows the mental decline of a con artist whose schemes have become so complicated that he begins to eliminate the people involved in them.
>> Psych (S04E11) ~ It's a busman's holiday when Ruby's river trip with Gus and Shawn turns deadly after one of the group takes a tumble off the raft.
>> Ugly Betty (S04E13) ~ Wilhemina is furious when she discovers she has a drag queen impersonator - Wilhediva Hater. Meanwhile Betty receives an award for her blog, which causes tension between her and Daniel. When she vents online, her fans in blogosphere escalate the feud, and the press hounds Daniel. Amanda rehires Helen, but Willie orders Amanda to fire her -- which Amanda just can't bring herself to do. And Marc runs his own photo shoot with a famous director and actress.
>> Community (S01E15) ~ When Annie starts hanging out with Britta's ex-boyfriend Vaughn, Britta and Jeff vow to protect her. Meanwhile, Pierce feels left out at Troy and Abed's movie night.
>> 30 Rock (S04E12) ~ Liz Lemon takes Frank in as a roommate, and is pleasantly surprised when the two make a pact to help each other kick their bad habits. Meanwhile, Jenna Maroney turns to Jack Donaghy for help with her mother, Verna, who has come to visit.
>> Grey's Anatomy (S06E13) ~ As Derek begins his role as interim chief, he faces a potential lawsuit when Bailey and Meredith's patient awakens from anesthesia mid-surgery. Meanwhile, Teddy refuses to place Cristina on her service, as Arizona tests Alex out in Pediatrics, and Mark refuses to speak to a heartbroken Lexie.
>> Private Practice (S03E13) ~ Addison and Cooper counsel a couple who must make an unthinkable choice, to decide which one of their ailing daughters to save with their newborn's core blood. Sam is dealt another blow when he finds out Dink's intent to marry Maya, and the rest of the gang runs an intervention on a still distant Naomi.
>> Ghost Whisperer (S05E14) ~ When Ned's Occult Anthropology professor is stalked by the ghost of a secret admirer, a Ouija board is used to try and solve the mystery but instead creates a new one that threatens a life.
>> Medium (S06E14) ~ A perplexed Allison must figure out why she keeps seeing the face of one man in the faces of other people in her daily life, including that of her husband, Joe. Also, Ariel makes an interesting acquaintance while babysitting a challenging young boy.
30 January 2010
Hockey Day in Canada
Well today is a big day...
My honey and I have a little wager. He's a big Toronto Maple Leafs fan (poor bugger) and I'm a big Vancouver Canucks fan (still waiting for a Stanley Cup win). If the Leafs win (not a chance) I have to wear a Leafs jersey to our next Atom A2 game (the team he coaches & I manage). If the Canucks win (much more likely), he has to wear a Canucks jersey to the same game. Let me tell you, there is no way I'm wearing a Leafs jersey, so...
1st Period: Leafs up 3-0. Yikes - Come on Canucks, you can still come back.
2nd Period: Leafs up 3-1. Luongo pulled & Raycroft in. Burrows scored a short-handed goal.
3rd Period: Canucks win 5-3. The Sedins/Burrows line scored ALL goals. 7 wins in a row!
You know what that means... Carl gets to wear my Trevor Linden Canucks jersey at our next game!
27 January 2010
Watched This Week ~ Jan 24th to 30th
Transformers 2 ~ I let one of my students watch it on my laptop because he was done all his work and it was a double block today. Of course the others all wanted to watch too! So we all watched a bit. I'll have to watch the rest another time.
Couples Retreat ~ Not as funny as I thought it would be. There were some funny moments and usally I like Vince Vaugn's schtick, but this time it was a bit much. All the guys were pretty obnoxious (on purpose I'm sure). Of course they all had to step it up in the end and become better men for their women, but it was awfully contrived and forced. I hoped there would be a bit more fun in the movie, but the characters were too one dimensional and irritating to like. Rating: 2/5
The Road ~ This was a tough movie to watch. I know it's been critically acclaimed as a movie and a novel by many. I thought the acting was tremendous and I appreciate the cinematography and atmosphere created. Maybe I'm not deep enough to appreciate this kind of desolate hopeless type of movie. I realize there was a sliver of hope at the end, but really what kind of life was there to be had? Rating: 3/5
Monday Jan. 24th ~ Vancouver Canucks (3) vs Buffalo Sabres (2)
Wednesday Jan 26th ~ Vancouver Canucks (3) vs St. Louis Blues (2)
Saturday Jan. 30th ~ Toronto Maple Leafs (3) vs Vancouver Canucks (5)
TV Shows:
>> American Idol (S09E5&6) ~ Not my favourite part of the show. I'd rather hear the good singers. The guest judges this week were: Katy Perry (who constantly clashes with Kara), Avril Lavigne (didn't add much to the judging panel except to seem spoiled and bratty) Neil Patrick Harris (who squared off with Simon) and Joe Jonas (maybe uttered 3 or 4 words that they showed anyway). I still think someone needs to put us out of our misery with Randy - the "dawg" is pretty useless. It's going to be terrible once Simon leaves. I can't imagine who would replace him.
>> Better Off Ted (S02E11) ~ The great thing about this show is that there is always something that makes you laugh out loud. The characters are quirky in a way that isn't trying too hard, too cutesy, over-the-top or annoying. This show is meant to be a satirical look at our corporate megolomanic society, but it doesn't shove it in our face or try to be too clever which makes it work. I know this show is on the bubble, but I really hope it makes it. It could be a staple in the Wednesday comedy line-up on ABC. Come on ABC don't throw this gem away!!!
>> Burn Notice (S03E10 &11) ~ Lots of action, Michael Weston is back!
>> Castle (S02E13&14) ~ Watching Nathan Fillion is always a treat.
>> Chuck (S03E05) ~ Chuck has his first solo mission - usual hijinks occur. Chuck is definitely ramping it up this year in order to survive. They have added a new lease on life with the new intersect that Chuck had implanted. It allows for more possible story lines. I'm glad they still have the Buy More element to the show and I've loved having Captain Awesome being pulled into Chuck's missions.
>> Deep End, The (S01E01) ~ New series about lawyers that doesn't take itself too seriously. The characters seem a little campy (especially Billy Zane) and it's all about who's sleeping with who (like Grey's Anatomy used to be). It's not too bad so I'll probably keep watching.
>> Grey's Anatomy (S06E12) ~ Love is tough. I wonder if this means that Izzy is going for good this time?
>> Leverage (S02E 11&12) ~ Great crime caper show. Jeri Ryan has been a good addition.
>> Life Unexpected (S01E02) ~ New series about a foster child finding her birth parents.
>> Private Practice (S03E12) ~ Harsh, not a lot of warm fuzzies in this episode.
>> Psych (S04E10) ~ I love these guys. The little ad libs and facial expressions are priceless. It's sad that there is only 13 episodes per season. Hey, I just found out there are 16 this year. Whoo Hoo!!
>> Scrubs (S06E10&11) ~ The show is better with Zach Braff, but it still has some funny moments.
26 January 2010
Disappointing News
Well, it turns out some things don't always work out like you think it will. Go figure.
Today I found out I didn't get the High School teaching job. I knew going into it that it was quite possible I wouldn't get the job, but I had such positive feedback from the other teachers I was in contact with that it seemed like it was a real possibility. This is where experience makes a difference. It just means it was not meant to be and for the most part I am ok with that, but of course I have to admit I'm a little disappointed. I had some great ideas for what I would do if I got the position. I'll just have to try those elsewhere. So for now, onwards and upwards...
I'm still going to continue my professional development and hopefully this will allow me flexibility to do some other activities and hobbies listed in my New Year's resolutions post (none of which I have done so far and it's almost a month into the new year).
I've Moved My Reading & Writing Blog
I've decided to move all my reading & writing stuff over to a new blog: I'm Lovin' Readin'.
This way I can include more topics on this site which fits the name of the blog better.
This way I can include more topics on this site which fits the name of the blog better.
01 January 2010
Happy New Year!

On the off chance that I may actually be able to make some healthier choices for my life (physically, mentally and professionally), here are my Top 10 Resolutions for 2010 (in no particular order):
1. Eat better (include more fruits & vegetables, no more junk food).
2. Do some form of exercise at least 30 minutes per day (try to find something that's fun & not a chore).3. Be more organized (especially at home).
4. Get a full-time teaching job (this one could happen sooner rather than later in the year, we'll see).
5. Find time to be more creative (reading, writing, music, art, photography).
6. Realize that it's ok to say no and understand that I can't do everything (that's a tough one).
7. Continue my professional development while I have a small amount of time to do it.
8. Do a better job at maintaining relationships with family and friends.
9. Manage my finances better (have a plan).
10. Have fun - it doesn't have to be all work!
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